Ms. LaKisha Bradley

Co-Vice President of Programs

LaKisha Bradley serves as an Interim Dean of Student Services at Monterey Peninsula College, providing institutional support necessary to aid the College in meeting its mission to “foster student learning and achievement within its diverse community.” LaKisha has twenty years of professional experience in education that reflects her belief in the ability of education to transform lives. LaKisha has spent her career in roles that foster access, equity, and opportunity for underrepresented students and is deeply committed to diversity and inclusion. She firmly believes in the power of education to open avenues for success in one’s life. Of particular importance to LaKisha is providing the additional support resources to students that are often necessary for their ability to succeed and reach their educational goals. After obtaining her BA degree in Biology from Pomona College, LaKisha returned to the Monterey Peninsula and began her career in education as a tutor for the Monterey Peninsula College Upward Bound Program, an Instructional Assistant with the IPAS Program, and the EOPS Outreach Specialist. It was at this time that LaKisha became interested in organizational change and with assisting programs to effectively reaching their goals, leading her to enroll at Fielding Graduate University, earning her MA in Human and Organizational Systems.

After a decade living and working the San Francisco Bay Area, serving in positions focused on student growth and success, including serving as Executive Director of the Emerson Community Collaborative, a project of the Tides Center, LaKisha resumed her career with Monterey Peninsula College. During this time LaKisha supported and worked with a breadth of Student Services programs at the College, including the Career/Transfer Resource Center, the Student Job Placement Center, the Veterans Assistance Office, and International Student Programs. LaKisha feels passionately about the role of administrators in helping maintain infrastructure necessary for the effective functioning of a community college.

Before assuming the role of Dean of Student Services, LaKisha served as the of Director of Student Success and Equity for 5.5 years. In her current role, she collaborates with individuals and programs across the college to develop programs and resources for students and employees, designed to improve student success. Activities LaKisha has helped to develop at the College include Join the Pack! Day – an open house registration and information event, a first-year experience program, a student ambassador team, the CCAP Dual Enrollment Program, a Welcome Week and Virtual Welcome Center, increased opportunities for professional development for faculty and staff, and a broadened understanding of equity on the college’s campus.